School for Christian Growth Classes

Relationship Dynamics (YouTube)

We are made for relationships. Our relationships can be the source of our greatest joys as well as our deepest heartaches. Managing relationships well is key to a fulfilled life. In this course, you will discover biblical principles that underpin successful relationships. Topics include understanding yourself, effective communication, conflict resolution, being genuine etc.

On the Cutting Edge (YouTube)

How do we ensure that we are fit as athletes, know the rules by which we should run this race, and surely win the prize at the end of it all? Thankfully, God has provided us with Biblical truths that will build our spiritual strength and stamina when we exercise our faith through His Word. To be on the cutting edge let us begin to train ourselves in the truths that will build us up spiritually. Topics in this course include:

  • The Key of David which releases you from darkness, fear and failure 
  • The Persevering Truth to keep focus and prevent burnout
  • The Sabbath Principle to keep us in reverence of God
  • The Guiding Truth of Spiritual Authority for direction
  • The Inspiring Truth from the Spirit of Prophecy for encouragement
  • The Successful Truth in seeking true prosperity

At the end of this course, you will be encouraged to press on, fight the good fight, finish the race and keep the faith (2 Timothy).

Biblical Foundations For Worship (YouTube & Zoom)
*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (10 lessons via YT & 2 lessons via Zoom on 25/8, 1/9).

Being a worshipper is more than just the ability to sing or play an instrument but a result of an overflow of our personal intimacy with God.  The course seeks to give a strong biblical foundation of what worship is and how to grow in intimacy with God through worship. It also provides a practical framework and pointers on worship leading in a congregational context.

This course is intended for those in the worship ministry and anyone keen to grow in the area of worship.