Registration for Life in the Word, School for Christian Growth classes and Family Life Seminars for quarter 4 is now closed.

Quarter 4 begins on 6 October.

Level 2 Courses will be in-person at 9am and 12pm in classrooms across our regional locations.

Strategy for Living (9am)

Getting the most out of life. Making time work for you. Preventing mental breakdown and moral failure. Choosing the right vocation and the right life partner. Establishing friendships. These are some of the vital and practical issues that will be dealt with from a Biblical perspective in this course. The purpose of this course is to help Christians develop a wholesome lifestyle in a world where we are expected to perform and produce results under intense pressure.

Life of Christ (12pm)

This course seeks to provide students with knowledge of the life and earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. The student will gain an understanding of the times and settings of the world that Jesus lived and ministered in as described in the four Gospels. The highlight of the course is a detailed study of the Lord’s ministry from its early days to the final climax of His arrest, trial, sufferings and crucifixion in Jerusalem. Other important aspects of the course include a study of the central message and mission of the Lord, His teachings and the miracles that accompanied and confirmed what He preached and taught.

Principles of Counselling (YouTube & Zoom)

*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (9 lessons via YT & 3 lessons via Zoom on 27/10, 24/11, 22/12 at 2pm).

This course is important for those who minister to others. This is the first of the three courses on counselling and will deal with the basic principles. You will learn the various theories and approaches of counselling based on the Word of God. Students who complete this course will understand the differences between the Biblical basis of counselling and secular counselling.

Casting Out Demons (YouTube & Zoom)

*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (9 lessons via YT & 3 lessons via Zoom on 27/10, 24/11, 22/12 at 2pm).

This course provides teaching on the existence, origin and nature of demonic spirits. It exposes their real agenda and purposes. An important part of the study shows how people provide access for demon spirits to get into their lives and how demon spirits manifest themselves. The second half of the course will equip students with the knowledge for deliverance, casting out demons through the power of the Holy Spirit and the exercise of spiritual gifts. Instructions are also given on how the ones who are delivered can maintain their condition of liberty so that they can experience a life of victory in Christ.

Purpose of the Church (YouTube)

The Church seems to mean different things for different people. In this course, we offer the Biblical perspective of the Church. We will trace the original concept of the Church in Matt 16:18, then to its birth by the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts. We will then follow its establishment and expansion by the apostles and ultimately to its present position. This course also deals with the roles, functions and responsibilities of believers as members of the Church to prepare and perfect her as the glorious bride of Christ for His return.

General Epistles (YouTube)

Why are the letters of James, Peter and Jude important? James deals with practical aspects of Christian living – Christianity made real through our words that brings life to others, our works of faith and our walk marked by godliness. The letters of First and Second Peter were written to encourage believers in the Early Church to keep their hope focused on the return of Christ in a time of severe persecution. It is this same hope that will see us through tough times. Jude was written to believers in the Early Church to warn them against the false teaching that God’s grace is an excuse for immoral living and to contend against false teachers who had denied “our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ”.

Worship, Praise & Prayer (YouTube)

It has been said that worship is the highest form of expression of man to God — the created to his Creator. Worship is an integral way of life for the Christian, not only individually but also corporately as a Church. Biblical insights, together with principles on experiences of worship, will be taught in the course.You will be shown how you can be transformed from mere “singers” to “true worshippers” of the great and mighty God we serve.

Life of Timothy (YouTube)

This is a study on the life of Timothy, whom Paul referred to as a “true son in the faith” while Timothy regarded Paul as his “father in the faith”. The course will examine the traits that Timothy developed in the course of his ministry to Paul – a servant heart, selflessness, faithfulness and a willingness to face hardship and persecution. From his life, we can draw important lessons on what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ and how we can make a real contribution to the cause of Christ through our willingness to be a servant to those whom God has placed around and over us.

Ministry Practics 2 (YouTube)

This course is for students who have completed Ministry Practics 1 (MP 1). Biblical principles as well as practical insights are shared in specific areas of ministry such as praying for the sick, praying for deliverance as well as recognizing and utilizing spiritual gifts and ministries. Students will also be taught on the importance of having and imparting vision.

Life of David (YouTube)

This course will equip students with principles of leadership from the study of the life of David. His early training as a shepherd caring for his father’s sheep, had laid a foundation of faithfulness, commitment and courage. Leaders must be tested before they can be released fully into their God-given roles. From David’s life, students will learn how a leader should respond to and overcome hatred, jealousy, fear, insecurity, pride and selfish ambition. The ultimate test of leadership is that of sin and failure. How a leader handles these will either disqualify or qualify him for greatness in God’s kingdom. Out of David’s sin of adultery and murder and his subsequent repentance and brokenness, the Lord brought him to the place where he truly had “a heart after God’s own heart”.

Lives of the Prophets (YouTube)

Our study begins with Elisha, who received the mantle of Elijah after the latter was taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot. The life of Elijah is the subject of another course in Level 8. A second major section in this course is devoted to the three “major prophets” — Isaiah, Ezekiel and Jeremiah. They all had several things in common: they prophesied God’s impending judgment on Israel and captivity in Babylon because of the backslidden ways of their kings, priests, prophets and the people. They spoke of a time when God would graciously restore the destiny of the nation. They all went through
suffering and persecution because of their faithfulness to proclaim the Word of the Lord. Their prophecies were fulfilled. They accomplished the purposes of God in their time and generation.

The last part is an overview of Daniel, Jonah, Hosea, Amos and Zechariah. In each of the sketches of the prophets studied, we aim to learn from their call into the office of a prophet, the work of grace in enabling them to fulfil that call and their commitment to be faithful to the One who called them, even if it meant deprivation, punishment, imprisonment and death.

Lives of the Apostles (YouTube)

In this study, we will consider the lives of the apostles, with attention to James, Andrew, Philip, and Thomas and special attention to Peter, John and Paul. You will be encouraged to know that most of the apostles who started out with Jesus were men of average intellect, mostly poor and illiterate, many with character flaws and lacking the ingredients the world thinks are necessary for success and leadership. Yet they overcame their weaknesses and personal failures to become the pillars of the Church. Through their examples, you will realise that no matter what your position in life may be, God has the power to transform you into someone who will impact society for good and advance the cause of His kingdom.

Ministry Practics 4 (YouTube)

As its name implies, this is the fourth part in the practical aspects of training leaders to minister pastorally to meet the spiritual and temporal needs of God’s people. It deals in an in-depth manner with the pastoral duties and responsibilities of a minister in the context of VFC’s ministry structure. The course describes what these responsibilities are and how they are to be carried out. The student will be instructed on how to carry out water baptism and how to conduct weddings and funerals. These are three of the most important events for our members and for their immediate and extended families. The administration of these is crucial in caring for God’s people in the right way. A second major focus deals with the “how-tos” of leading worship, preaching and leading a church service. Lastly, the student is also taught how to conduct an evangelistic meeting.

Empowered by the Holy Spirit (YouTube)

We have a power source that does not change. Jesus asked His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the person and power of the Holy Spirit. In this course, students will learn how to hear His voice, walk in His wisdom and grow in intimacy with Him. Moreover, students will be equipped to tap into the gifts and anointing of the Holy Spirit. 

Living The Balanced Life (YouTube)

What is a balanced Christian life? Can we have too much of a good thing? How do we not stray to an unhealthy and extreme application of a biblical principle? Our Lord Jesus is full of grace and full of truth. God’s word is the perfect equilibrium of divine truth. 

This course is for Christians who want to balance truth and walk a well-rounded Christian walk as God has ordained. 

Finishing Well (10:30am)

It is one thing to start well and another to finish well. This course will equip seniors, aged 55 and above, to live with purpose, strength and victory. Some topics covered here include being strong in identity, staying healthy etc. Knowing and practising these biblical truths will help you finish your race well and leave a lasting legacy.

Seminar Dates: Saturdays – 10:30am, 9 Nov, 16 Nov, 23 Nov
Venue: L2 Growth Track Room, VFC Toa Payoh


Level 2 Courses will be in-person at 9am and 12pm in classrooms across our regional locations.

Strategy for Living (9am)

Getting the most out of life. Making time work for you. Preventing mental breakdown and moral failure. Choosing the right vocation and the right life partner. Establishing friendships. These are some of the vital and practical issues that will be dealt with from a Biblical perspective in this course. The purpose of this course is to help Christians develop a wholesome lifestyle in a world where we are expected to perform and produce results under intense pressure.

Life of Christ (12pm)

This course seeks to provide students with knowledge of the life and earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. The student will gain an understanding of the times and settings of the world that Jesus lived and ministered in as described in the four Gospels. The highlight of the course is a detailed study of the Lord’s ministry from its early days to the final climax of His arrest, trial, sufferings and crucifixion in Jerusalem. Other important aspects of the course include a study of the central message and mission of the Lord, His teachings and the miracles that accompanied and confirmed what He preached and taught.


Principles of Counselling (YouTube & Zoom)

*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (9 lessons via YT & 3 lessons via Zoom on 27/10, 24/11, 22/12 at 2pm).

This course is important for those who minister to others. This is the first of the three courses on counselling and will deal with the basic principles. You will learn the various theories and approaches of counselling based on the Word of God. Students who complete this course will understand the differences between the Biblical basis of counselling and secular counselling.

Casting Out Demons (YouTube & Zoom)

*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (9 lessons via YT & 3 lessons via Zoom on 27/10, 24/11, 22/12 at 2pm).

This course provides teaching on the existence, origin and nature of demonic spirits. It exposes their real agenda and purposes. An important part of the study shows how people provide access for demon spirits to get into their lives and how demon spirits manifest themselves. The second half of the course will equip students with the knowledge for deliverance, casting out demons through the power of the Holy Spirit and the exercise of spiritual gifts. Instructions are also given on how the ones who are delivered can maintain their condition of liberty so that they can experience a life of victory in Christ.


Purpose of the Church (YouTube)

The Church seems to mean different things for different people. In this course, we offer the Biblical perspective of the Church. We will trace the original concept of the Church in Matt 16:18, then to its birth by the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts. We will then follow its establishment and expansion by the apostles and ultimately to its present position. This course also deals with the roles, functions and responsibilities of believers as members of the Church to prepare and perfect her as the glorious bride of Christ for His return.

General Epistles (YouTube)

Why are the letters of James, Peter and Jude important? James deals with practical aspects of Christian living – Christianity made real through our words that brings life to others, our works of faith and our walk marked by godliness. The letters of First and Second Peter were written to encourage believers in the Early Church to keep their hope focused on the return of Christ in a time of severe persecution. It is this same hope that will see us through tough times. Jude was written to believers in the Early Church to warn them against the false teaching that God’s grace is an excuse for immoral living and to contend against false teachers who had denied “our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ”.


Worship, Praise & Prayer (YouTube)

It has been said that worship is the highest form of expression of man to God — the created to his Creator. Worship is an integral way of life for the Christian, not only individually but also corporately as a Church. Biblical insights, together with principles on experiences of worship, will be taught in the course.You will be shown how you can be transformed from mere “singers” to “true worshippers” of the great and mighty God we serve.

Life of Timothy (YouTube)

This is a study on the life of Timothy, whom Paul referred to as a “true son in the faith” while Timothy regarded Paul as his “father in the faith”. The course will examine the traits that Timothy developed in the course of his ministry to Paul – a servant heart, selflessness, faithfulness and a willingness to face hardship and persecution. From his life, we can draw important lessons on what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ and how we can make a real contribution to the cause of Christ through our willingness to be a servant to those whom God has placed around and over us.

Ministry Practics 2 (YouTube)

This course is for students who have completed Ministry Practics 1 (MP 1). Biblical principles as well as practical insights are shared in specific areas of ministry such as praying for the sick, praying for deliverance as well as recognizing and utilizing spiritual gifts and ministries. Students will also be taught on the importance of having and imparting vision.


Life of David (YouTube)

This course will equip students with principles of leadership from the study of the life of David. His early training as a shepherd caring for his father’s sheep, had laid a foundation of faithfulness, commitment and courage. Leaders must be tested before they can be released fully into their God-given roles. From David’s life, students will learn how a leader should respond to and overcome hatred, jealousy, fear, insecurity, pride and selfish ambition. The ultimate test of leadership is that of sin and failure. How a leader handles these will either disqualify or qualify him for greatness in God’s kingdom. Out of David’s sin of adultery and murder and his subsequent repentance and brokenness, the Lord brought him to the place where he truly had “a heart after God’s own heart”.

Lives of the Prophets (YouTube)

Our study begins with Elisha, who received the mantle of Elijah after the latter was taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot. The life of Elijah is the subject of another course in Level 8. A second major section in this course is devoted to the three “major prophets” — Isaiah, Ezekiel and Jeremiah. They all had several things in common: they prophesied God’s impending judgment on Israel and captivity in Babylon because of the backslidden ways of their kings, priests, prophets and the people. They spoke of a time when God would graciously restore the destiny of the nation. They all went through
suffering and persecution because of their faithfulness to proclaim the Word of the Lord. Their prophecies were fulfilled. They accomplished the purposes of God in their time and generation.

The last part is an overview of Daniel, Jonah, Hosea, Amos and Zechariah. In each of the sketches of the prophets studied, we aim to learn from their call into the office of a prophet, the work of grace in enabling them to fulfil that call and their commitment to be faithful to the One who called them, even if it meant deprivation, punishment, imprisonment and death.


Lives of the Apostles (YouTube)

In this study, we will consider the lives of the apostles, with attention to James, Andrew, Philip, and Thomas and special attention to Peter, John and Paul. You will be encouraged to know that most of the apostles who started out with Jesus were men of average intellect, mostly poor and illiterate, many with character flaws and lacking the ingredients the world thinks are necessary for success and leadership. Yet they overcame their weaknesses and personal failures to become the pillars of the Church. Through their examples, you will realise that no matter what your position in life may be, God has the power to transform you into someone who will impact society for good and advance the cause of His kingdom.

Ministry Practics 4 (YouTube)

As its name implies, this is the fourth part in the practical aspects of training leaders to minister pastorally to meet the spiritual and temporal needs of God’s people. It deals in an in-depth manner with the pastoral duties and responsibilities of a minister in the context of VFC’s ministry structure. The course describes what these responsibilities are and how they are to be carried out. The student will be instructed on how to carry out water baptism and how to conduct weddings and funerals. These are three of the most important events for our members and for their immediate and extended families. The administration of these is crucial in caring for God’s people in the right way. A second major focus deals with the “how-tos” of leading worship, preaching and leading a church service. Lastly, the student is also taught how to conduct an evangelistic meeting.


Empowered by the Holy Spirit (YouTube)

We have a power source that does not change. Jesus asked His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the person and power of the Holy Spirit. In this course, students will learn how to hear His voice, walk in His wisdom and grow in intimacy with Him. Moreover, students will be equipped to tap into the gifts and anointing of the Holy Spirit. 

Living The Balanced Life (YouTube)

What is a balanced Christian life? Can we have too much of a good thing? How do we not stray to an unhealthy and extreme application of a biblical principle? Our Lord Jesus is full of grace and full of truth. God’s word is the perfect equilibrium of divine truth. 

This course is for Christians who want to balance truth and walk a well-rounded Christian walk as God has ordained. 


Finishing Well (10:30am)

It is one thing to start well and another to finish well. This course will equip seniors, aged 55 and above, to live with purpose, strength and victory. Some topics covered here include being strong in identity, staying healthy etc. Knowing and practising these biblical truths will help you finish your race well and leave a lasting legacy.

Seminar Dates: Saturdays – 10:30am, 9 Nov, 16 Nov, 23 Nov
Venue: L2 Growth Track Room, VFC Toa Payoh