Level 5 Classes

Theology (YouTube)

This course seeks to introduce you to the subject of theology — the study of God and the things associated with God and His work in creation. A broad-based approach will be taken to survey the main subjects, including:

  • The Bible — its origin, nature and its supernatural character
  • God — His existence, His nature and attributes
  • Sin — its origin, cause and effect
  • Salvation — its purpose and the means by which it is accomplished

The outcome we seek in studying theology is to equip believers with the knowledge of their faith so that they are able “to give a defence to everyone who asks them a reason for the hope that is in them” (1 Peter 3:15). We do this by ensuring that we have an understanding and a working knowledge of the main tenets of the Christian faith and the assurance of our identity as children of God.

Genesis (YouTube)

This study of the first book of the Bible is intended to lay a firm foundation for the believer’s knowledge of the rest of the Old and New Testament. The purpose, theme and structure of the book is summarised in a simple outline which divides it into two main sections:
• primeval history dealing with Creation, the Fall and the Flood;
• dispersion to the nations; and
• patriarchal history dealing with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph

The course takes the student through Genesis chapter by chapter. The provisions of sacrifice as atonement for sin and God’s covenant with mankind through Abraham are discovered within the events and personalities in the book.

Ministry Practics 1 (YouTube)

This course focuses on how to lead and minister effectively as a cell leader. The three-fold role of the cell leader is presented: to proclaim the good news, to watch over and protect the sheep and to develop and train members. Topics include nurturing, shepherding, loving with compassion and ministering to the need. Motivational and leadership principles are also presented with the aim of producing cell leaders who are influential, inspiring and impactful.