Registration for physical and online classes for Life in the Word (LIW), School for Christian Growth (SCG) and Family Life Seminars is now closed.


Quarter 3 begins on 7 July.

Level 2 Courses will be in-person at 9am and 12pm in classrooms across our regional locations.

Missions and Evangelism (9am)

Victory Family Centre (VFC) is committed to the cause of the Great Commission. Teams have been sent out over the past decades on missions to various parts of the world. The aim of such missions is to win souls for Christ, disciple them and gather them together to establish VFC-type churches with the same vision.

This course will help believers:
• Understand the importance of global missions
• Take the first step to fulfil Christ’s Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations”
• Understand God’s concern for a world of lost sinners
• Learn from the four New Testament churches — Jerusalem, Philadelphia, Philippi and Antioch and study the characteristics of these churches to find out what makes a strong New Testament-type church

Principles of Success (12pm)

This course provides insights into the lives of some of the great men in the Bible, how they lived and why they were so successful. It gives you the Biblical definitions of blessings and success and shows you how to apply them in your own life. You will study the lives of these godly and successful men and glean principles on what it means to live a life that is prosperous and blessed by God.

*Process of Counselling (YouTube & Zoom)

*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (9 lessons via YT & 3 lessons via Zoom on 28/7, 25/8, 22/9 at 2pm).

This course is important for those who minister to others. This is the first of the three courses on counselling and will deal with the basic principles. You will learn the various theories and approaches of counselling based on the Word of God. Students who complete this course will understand the differences between the Biblical basis of counselling and secular counselling.

*Gifts of the Holy Spirit (YouTube & Zoom)
*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (9 lessons via YT & 3 lessons via Zoom on 28/7, 25/8, 22/9 at 2pm). 

Paul’s admonition to the Corinthian Christians when he said “Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant” also applies to us. There is no reason why we should go through our Christian life not understanding the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In this course, a balanced Biblical perspective of the “charismata” – the powerful yet gracious gifts of the Holy Spirit – will be presented.

The following will be covered:

  • What the gifts of the Holy Spirit are
  • How each gift operates in the church
  • Why the gifts are so important and relevant to us today

Pauline Epistles (YouTube)

This course is a survey of the epistles written by the Apostle Paul to the churches he founded and worked with. Several books will be highlighted for analytical and expository study in terms of structure and content. You will learn to identify and study themes in each epistle which deal with the local church.

Practics of Counselling (Youtube)

“Practics of Counselling” builds on the previous courses on “Principles of Counselling” and “Process of Counselling.” More specifically, it will equip the counsellor to deal with the lack of spiritual assurance as well as the struggle with sin which all Christians face. It will empower the counsellor to deal with negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, failure and discouragement. Challenging situations such as persecution, sickness, death and suicide will be covered. Marital counselling and its related aspects such as divorce counselling will also be dealt with in this course. This course is a must for anyone who desires to help individuals and families with the practical problems and issues they face.

Johannine Literature (YouTube)

This course provides an overview of the writings of John, thus the term, “Johannine Literature.” In both the Gospel of John and his letters, John’s writings are characterised by his vivid descriptions of the humanity and divinity of Jesus. While the Gospel of John deals with the doctrine of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the letters of John (1, 2 and 3 John) are intensely pastoral and practical. John writes them as an eyewitness and also as one who actually heard, touched, interacted with and received “the Word of Life” into his own life.

The pastoral application then follows: if a person has had the same experience of being touched by the “Word of Life”, he should “walk in the light as He is in the light”. If we have this life, we will relate with others based on the love of God that is part of His kind of life. Thus, in our walk and in our relationships with one another, we have both the test and the assurance of our identity as true sons of God.

Pastoral Epistles

First and Second Timothy and Titus are known as the “Pastoral Epistles” or “Pastoral Letters”. They were written by the Apostle Paul to Timothy and Titus, his sons in the faith, on the occasions of them being sent to oversee the churches in Ephesus and Crete respectively. Paul’s charge to Titus was to “set in order the things that are lacking” for the churches in Crete. His instructions to Timothy point to a similar exhortation for him to do likewise for the church in Ephesus.

In these letters, Paul provided criteria for the proper selection of overseers and deacons to help minister and lead the local church. Teaching is given to ensure overseers and leaders focus on a right personal walk with God, relate rightly with the members of the congregation and know what to focus on in their pastoral ministry.

1 Thessalonians (YouTube)

The theme of 1 Thessalonians is how to live our lives in a way that reflects our hope in Christ’s return. This letter reveals how Paul’s anticipation of Christ’s return motivated and compelled him to preach the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire. In this study, you will learn how to align your life with God’s Word and how to pray for spiritual development in the areas of courage, sincerity, truthfulness, selflessness and the fear of God.

Life of Abraham (YouTube)

Abraham is one of the most important characters in the Bible. He is known both as the father of the Jewish people as well as the father of faith for all true believers of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this study, we will trace the call of God on Abraham and the fulfilment of that call through a life of faith and obedience. Along the way, you will learn valuable lessons both through Abraham’s compromise and failures as well as his acts of faith. Above all, we will see God’s over-ruling power, which brought Abraham to the place where he was able to fulfil God’s covenant promise, so that in him “all the families of the earth shall be blessed”.

Life of Moses (YouTube)

In this course, you will learn core principles of spiritual leadership exemplified in the life of Moses. In learning how God calls, prepares, trains and equips a man so that he ultimately becomes a “mighty man of valour”, you will discover the various tests that a leader must go through. When you complete the course, you will find the “secrets to passing the tests of leadership”.

Relationship Dynamics (YouTube) 

We are made for relationships. Our relationships can be the source of our greatest joys as well as our deepest heartaches. Managing relationships well is key to a fulfilled life. In this course, you will discover biblical principles that underpin successful relationships. Topics include understanding yourself, effective communication, conflict resolution, being genuine etc.

On the Cutting Edge (YouTube)

How do we ensure that we are fit as athletes, know the rules by which we should run this race, and surely win the prize at the end of it all? Thankfully, God has provided us with Biblical truths that will build our spiritual strength and stamina when we exercise our faith through His Word. To be on the cutting edge let us begin to train ourselves in the truths that will build us up spiritually.

Topics in this course include:

  • The Key of David which releases you from darkness, fear and failure
  • The Persevering Truth to keep focus and prevent burnout
  • The Sabbath Principle to keep us in reverence of God
  • The Guiding Truth of Spiritual Authority for direction
  • The Inspiring Truth from the Spirit of Prophecy for encouragement
  • The Successful Truth in seeking true prosperity

At the end of this course, you will be encouraged to press on, fight the good fight, finish the race and keep the faith (2 Timothy).

Biblical Foundations For Worship (YouTube & Zoom)
*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (10 lessons via YT & 2 lessons via Zoom on 25/8, 1/9).

Being a worshipper is more than just the ability to sing or play an instrument but a result of an overflow of our personal intimacy with God.  The course seeks to give a strong biblical foundation of what worship is and how to grow in intimacy with God through worship. It also provides a practical framework and pointers on worship leading in a congregational context.

This course is intended for those in the worship ministry and anyone keen to grow in the area of worship.

This quarter, the Family Life Ministry is offering a School for Christian Growth class on Parenting. Each of the following 3 classes lasts for 6 weeks and they all take place at 2pm.

1. Parenting Infants (from pregnancy to 2 years of age):

You will learn principles and skills to set routines that will bring normalcy to you and your young child. When you are able to establish routines for your child in their formative years, a good foundation will be established for their subsequent nurturing years. Topics covered will include right beginnings, relational goal of parenting, the V of love, how to manage meal-time, play-time and sleep-time


2. Parenting Children (3 to 7 years of age): You will learn the importance of establishing good parenting and relationship principles in this phase of your parenting. The skills shared will enable you to spend more effort in nurturing instead of just instructing and correcting your child. Topics include imparting faith at home, right parenting styles, rules on rules, and principles of discipline.


3. Parenting Teenagers (12 to 18 years of age): You will learn that the successful parenting approach that your teen needs is for you to be an encourager and motivator. Your exemplary conduct plays a pivotal role as your teen will now be able to discern between what is taught and practiced. Topics include understanding your teen, overcoming stress, cyber-wellness and sexuality.


Level 2 Courses will be in-person at 9am and 12pm in classrooms across our regional locations.

Missions and Evangelism (9am)

Victory Family Centre (VFC) is committed to the cause of the Great Commission. Teams have been sent out over the past decades on missions to various parts of the world. The aim of such missions is to win souls for Christ, disciple them and gather them together to establish VFC-type churches with the same vision.

This course will help believers:
• Understand the importance of global missions
• Take the first step to fulfil Christ’s Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations”
• Understand God’s concern for a world of lost sinners
• Learn from the four New Testament churches — Jerusalem, Philadelphia, Philippi and Antioch and study the characteristics of these churches to find out what makes a strong New Testament-type church

Principles of Success (12pm)

This course provides insights into the lives of some of the great men in the Bible, how they lived and why they were so successful. It gives you the Biblical definitions of blessings and success and shows you how to apply them in your own life. You will study the lives of these godly and successful men and glean principles on what it means to live a life that is prosperous and blessed by God.


*Process of Counselling (YouTube & Zoom)

*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (9 lessons via YT & 3 lessons via Zoom on 28/7, 25/8, 22/9 at 2pm).

This course is important for those who minister to others. This is the first of the three courses on counselling and will deal with the basic principles. You will learn the various theories and approaches of counselling based on the Word of God. Students who complete this course will understand the differences between the Biblical basis of counselling and secular counselling.

*Gifts of the Holy Spirit (YouTube & Zoom)
*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (9 lessons via YT & 3 lessons via Zoom on 28/7, 25/8, 22/9 at 2pm). 

Paul’s admonition to the Corinthian Christians when he said “Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant” also applies to us. There is no reason why we should go through our Christian life not understanding the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In this course, a balanced Biblical perspective of the “charismata” – the powerful yet gracious gifts of the Holy Spirit – will be presented.

The following will be covered:

  • What the gifts of the Holy Spirit are
  • How each gift operates in the church
  • Why the gifts are so important and relevant to us today

Pauline Epistles (YouTube)

This course is a survey of the epistles written by the Apostle Paul to the churches he founded and worked with. Several books will be highlighted for analytical and expository study in terms of structure and content. You will learn to identify and study themes in each epistle which deal with the local church.

Practics of Counselling (Youtube)

“Practics of Counselling” builds on the previous courses on “Principles of Counselling” and “Process of Counselling.” More specifically, it will equip the counsellor to deal with the lack of spiritual assurance as well as the struggle with sin which all Christians face. It will empower the counsellor to deal with negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, failure and discouragement. Challenging situations such as persecution, sickness, death and suicide will be covered. Marital counselling and its related aspects such as divorce counselling will also be dealt with in this course. This course is a must for anyone who desires to help individuals and families with the practical problems and issues they face.


Johannine Literature (YouTube)

This course provides an overview of the writings of John, thus the term, “Johannine Literature.” In both the Gospel of John and his letters, John’s writings are characterised by his vivid descriptions of the humanity and divinity of Jesus. While the Gospel of John deals with the doctrine of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the letters of John (1, 2 and 3 John) are intensely pastoral and practical. John writes them as an eyewitness and also as one who actually heard, touched, interacted with and received “the Word of Life” into his own life.

The pastoral application then follows: if a person has had the same experience of being touched by the “Word of Life”, he should “walk in the light as He is in the light”. If we have this life, we will relate with others based on the love of God that is part of His kind of life. Thus, in our walk and in our relationships with one another, we have both the test and the assurance of our identity as true sons of God.

Pastoral Epistles

First and Second Timothy and Titus are known as the “Pastoral Epistles” or “Pastoral Letters”. They were written by the Apostle Paul to Timothy and Titus, his sons in the faith, on the occasions of them being sent to oversee the churches in Ephesus and Crete respectively. Paul’s charge to Titus was to “set in order the things that are lacking” for the churches in Crete. His instructions to Timothy point to a similar exhortation for him to do likewise for the church in Ephesus.

In these letters, Paul provided criteria for the proper selection of overseers and deacons to help minister and lead the local church. Teaching is given to ensure overseers and leaders focus on a right personal walk with God, relate rightly with the members of the congregation and know what to focus on in their pastoral ministry.


1 Thessalonians (YouTube)

The theme of 1 Thessalonians is how to live our lives in a way that reflects our hope in Christ’s return. This letter reveals how Paul’s anticipation of Christ’s return motivated and compelled him to preach the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire. In this study, you will learn how to align your life with God’s Word and how to pray for spiritual development in the areas of courage, sincerity, truthfulness, selflessness and the fear of God.

Life of Abraham (YouTube)

Abraham is one of the most important characters in the Bible. He is known both as the father of the Jewish people as well as the father of faith for all true believers of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this study, we will trace the call of God on Abraham and the fulfilment of that call through a life of faith and obedience. Along the way, you will learn valuable lessons both through Abraham’s compromise and failures as well as his acts of faith. Above all, we will see God’s over-ruling power, which brought Abraham to the place where he was able to fulfil God’s covenant promise, so that in him “all the families of the earth shall be blessed”.


Life of Moses (YouTube)

In this course, you will learn core principles of spiritual leadership exemplified in the life of Moses. In learning how God calls, prepares, trains and equips a man so that he ultimately becomes a “mighty man of valour”, you will discover the various tests that a leader must go through. When you complete the course, you will find the “secrets to passing the tests of leadership”.


Relationship Dynamics (YouTube) 

We are made for relationships. Our relationships can be the source of our greatest joys as well as our deepest heartaches. Managing relationships well is key to a fulfilled life. In this course, you will discover biblical principles that underpin successful relationships. Topics include understanding yourself, effective communication, conflict resolution, being genuine etc.

On the Cutting Edge (YouTube)

How do we ensure that we are fit as athletes, know the rules by which we should run this race, and surely win the prize at the end of it all? Thankfully, God has provided us with Biblical truths that will build our spiritual strength and stamina when we exercise our faith through His Word. To be on the cutting edge let us begin to train ourselves in the truths that will build us up spiritually.

Topics in this course include:

  • The Key of David which releases you from darkness, fear and failure
  • The Persevering Truth to keep focus and prevent burnout
  • The Sabbath Principle to keep us in reverence of God
  • The Guiding Truth of Spiritual Authority for direction
  • The Inspiring Truth from the Spirit of Prophecy for encouragement
  • The Successful Truth in seeking true prosperity

At the end of this course, you will be encouraged to press on, fight the good fight, finish the race and keep the faith (2 Timothy).

Biblical Foundations For Worship (YouTube & Zoom)
*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (10 lessons via YT & 2 lessons via Zoom on 25/8, 1/9).

Being a worshipper is more than just the ability to sing or play an instrument but a result of an overflow of our personal intimacy with God.  The course seeks to give a strong biblical foundation of what worship is and how to grow in intimacy with God through worship. It also provides a practical framework and pointers on worship leading in a congregational context.

This course is intended for those in the worship ministry and anyone keen to grow in the area of worship.


This quarter, the Family Life Ministry is offering a School for Christian Growth class on Parenting. Each of the following 3 classes lasts for 6 weeks and they all take place at 2pm.

1. Parenting Infants (from pregnancy to 2 years of age):

You will learn principles and skills to set routines that will bring normalcy to you and your young child. When you are able to establish routines for your child in their formative years, a good foundation will be established for their subsequent nurturing years. Topics covered will include right beginnings, relational goal of parenting, the V of love, how to manage meal-time, play-time and sleep-time


2. Parenting Children (3 to 7 years of age): You will learn the importance of establishing good parenting and relationship principles in this phase of your parenting. The skills shared will enable you to spend more effort in nurturing instead of just instructing and correcting your child. Topics include imparting faith at home, right parenting styles, rules on rules, and principles of discipline.


3. Parenting Teenagers (12 to 18 years of age): You will learn that the successful parenting approach that your teen needs is for you to be an encourager and motivator. Your exemplary conduct plays a pivotal role as your teen will now be able to discern between what is taught and practiced. Topics include understanding your teen, overcoming stress, cyber-wellness and sexuality.