Registration for Life in the Word, School for Christian Growth and Family Life Seminars for quarter 2 2025 will begin on 2 March to 16 March.
Quarter 2 2025 begins on 6 April.
Registration for Life in the Word, School for Christian Growth and Family Life Seminars for quarter 2 2025 will begin on 2 March to 16 March.
Quarter 2 2025 begins on 6 April.
Level 2 Courses will be in-person at 9am and 12pm in classrooms across our regional locations.
Principles of Success (9am)
This course provides insights into the lives of some of the great men in the Bible, how they lived and why they were so successful. It gives you the Biblical definitions of blessings and success and shows you how to apply them in your own life. You will study the lives of these godly and successful men and glean principles on what it means to live a life that is prosperous and blessed by God.
Missions and Evangelism (12pm)
Victory Family Centre (VFC) is committed to the cause of the Great Commission. Teams have been sent out over the past decades on missions to various parts of the world. The aim of such missions is to win souls for Christ, disciple them and gather them together to establish VFC-type churches with the same vision.
This course will help believers:
• Understand the importance of global missions
• Take the first step to fulfil Christ’s Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations”
• Understand God’s concern for a world of lost sinners
• Learn from the four New Testament churches — Jerusalem, Philadelphia, Philippi and Antioch and study the characteristics of these churches to find out what makes a strong New Testament-type church
*The Christian Family (YouTube)
*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (9 lessons via YT & 3 lessons via Zoom on 27 Apr, 25 May and 22 Jun at 2pm).
The family as an institution is under tremendous pressure. Every day, we receive news reports about the challenges that marriages face, the increasingly complex problems our children go through such as drug addiction, sexual immorality, teenage gangs and unfulfilled relationships. What better way to understand how to build a family than to return to the plans of its Designer?
This course seeks to impart a Biblical understanding of the family as the institution that God has designed it to be. It shares important principles on the roles of the husband/father, wife/mother and children and their relationships with one another from the Word of God.
Asian Religions (YouTube)
*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (9 lessons via YT & 3 lessons via Zoom on 27 Apr, 25 May and 22 Jun at 2pm).
Knowledge of the religious world-view of our non-Christian friends and neighbours is essential if we want to win them to Christ. This course will equip you with an understanding of religion, its origins and its expressions through some of the major religions of the world. We will focus our studies on a comparative study of the major Asian religions – Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam – with biblical Christianity. The belief systems and the practices of these religions will be studied together with how they compare with measure up to what the Bible teaches. Two case studies will be presented to help students be aware of cultural and religious sensitivities that may cause roadblocks to the effective sharing of the Gospel.
Purpose of the Church (YouTube)
The Church seems to mean different things for different people. In this course, we offer the Biblical perspective of the Church. We will trace the original concept of the Church in Matt 16:18, then to its birth by the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts. We will then follow its establishment and expansion by the apostles and ultimately to its present position. This course also deals with the roles, functions and responsibilities of believers as members of the Church to prepare and perfect her as the glorious bride of Christ for His return.
General Epistles (YouTube)
Why are the letters of James, Peter and Jude important? James deals with practical aspects of Christian living – Christianity made real through our words that brings life to others, our works of faith and our walk marked by godliness. The letters of First and Second Peter were written to encourage believers in the Early Church to keep their hope focused on the return of Christ in a time of severe persecution. It is this same hope that will see us through tough times. Jude was written to believers in the Early Church to warn them against the false teaching that God’s grace is an excuse for immoral living and to contend against false teachers who had denied “our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ”.
Theology (YouTube)
This course seeks to introduce you to the subject of theology — the study of God and the things associated with God and His work in creation. A broad-based approach will be taken to survey the main subjects, including:
The outcome we seek in studying theology is to equip believers with the knowledge of their faith so that they are able “to give a defence to everyone who asks them a reason for the hope that is in them” (1 Peter 3:15). We do this by ensuring that we have an understanding and a working knowledge of the main tenets of the Christian faith and the assurance of our identity as children of God.
Genesis (YouTube)
This study of the first book of the Bible is intended to lay a firm foundation for the believer’s knowledge of the rest of the Old and New Testament. The purpose, theme and structure of the book is summarised in a simple outline which divides it into two main sections:
• primeval history dealing with Creation, the Fall and the Flood;
• dispersion to the nations; and
• patriarchal history dealing with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph
The course takes the student through Genesis chapter by chapter. The provisions of sacrifice as atonement for sin and God’s covenant with mankind through Abraham are discovered within the events and personalities in the book.
Ministry Practics 1 (YouTube)
This course focuses on how to lead and minister effectively as a cell leader. The three-fold role of the cell leader is presented: to proclaim the good news, to watch over and protect the sheep and to develop and train members. Topics include nurturing, shepherding, loving with compassion and ministering to the need. Motivational and leadership principles are also presented with the aim of producing cell leaders who are influential, inspiring and impactful.
Life of David (YouTube)
This course will equip students with principles of leadership from the study of the life of David. His early training as a shepherd caring for his father’s sheep, had laid a foundation of faithfulness, commitment and courage. Leaders must be tested before they can be released fully into their God-given roles. From David’s life, students will learn how a leader should respond to and overcome hatred, jealousy, fear, insecurity, pride and selfish ambition. The ultimate test of leadership is that of sin and failure. How a leader handles these will either disqualify or qualify him for greatness in God’s kingdom. Out of David’s sin of adultery and murder and his subsequent repentance and brokenness, the Lord brought him to the place where he truly had “a heart after God’s own heart”.
Lives of the Prophets (YouTube)
Our study begins with Elisha, who received the mantle of Elijah after the latter was taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot. The life of Elijah is the subject of another course in Level 8. A second major section in this course is devoted to the three “major prophets” — Isaiah, Ezekiel and Jeremiah. They all had several things in common: they prophesied God’s impending judgment on Israel and captivity in Babylon because of the backslidden ways of their kings, priests, prophets and the people. They spoke of a time when God would graciously restore the destiny of the nation. They all went through suffering and persecution because of their faithfulness to proclaim the Word of the Lord. Their prophecies were fulfilled. They accomplished the purposes of God in their time and generation.
The last part is an overview of Daniel, Jonah, Hosea, Amos and Zechariah. In each of the sketches of the prophets studied, we aim to learn from their call into the office of a prophet, the work of grace in enabling them to fulfil that call and their commitment to be faithful to the One who called them, even if it meant deprivation, punishment, imprisonment and death.
Ministry Practics 4 (YouTube)
As its name implies, this is the fourth part in the practical aspects of training leaders to minister pastorally to meet the spiritual and temporal needs of God’s people. It deals in an in-depth manner with the pastoral duties and responsibilities of a minister in the context of VFC’s ministry structure. The course describes what these responsibilities are and how they are to be carried out. The student will be instructed on how to carry out water baptism and how to conduct weddings and funerals. These are three of the most important events for our members and for their immediate and extended families. The administration of these is crucial in caring for God’s people in the right way. A second major focus deals with the “how-tos” of leading worship, preaching and leading a church service. Lastly, the student is also taught how to conduct an evangelistic meeting.
Success In Life Through Godly Wisdom (YouTube)
This course extracts timeless truths and shares nuggets of wisdom from the book of Proverbs. Godly insights into how we can live meaningful, happy and fulfilled lives are discussed. Topics covered in this course include the fear of the Lord, practising godly speech and behaviour and cultivating healthy relationships.
Victory in Spiritual Warfare (YouTube)
We have an enemy that will do all in his power to prevent us from walking in the call and destiny God has for us. The bible warns us not to be ignorant of his devices and schemes. This course gives students a biblical understanding of our position in Christ, how we can effectively utilize our spiritual weapons and fight from the place of victory in Christ.
Foundations For A Godly Marriage (In-person on 20 Apr, 18 May and 29 Jun)
a) This course is designed for young adults, singles and couples contemplating marriage.
b) It is natural follow on for those who have completed the ‘Christian Courtship’ class.
c) For those considering marriage it is a necessary pre-requisite before they undergo one-on-one Pre-Marital Counselling.
d) This course forms the teaching component of marriage preparation including the meaning of marriage, communication and conflict resolution skills, intimacy and much more.
Venue: VFC Toa Payoh, Level 3 Hall
Time: 3-5pm
Level 2 Courses will be in-person at 9am and 12pm in classrooms across our regional locations.
Principles of Success (9am)
This course provides insights into the lives of some of the great men in the Bible, how they lived and why they were so successful. It gives you the Biblical definitions of blessings and success and shows you how to apply them in your own life. You will study the lives of these godly and successful men and glean principles on what it means to live a life that is prosperous and blessed by God.
Missions and Evangelism (12pm)
Victory Family Centre (VFC) is committed to the cause of the Great Commission. Teams have been sent out over the past decades on missions to various parts of the world. The aim of such missions is to win souls for Christ, disciple them and gather them together to establish VFC-type churches with the same vision.
This course will help believers:
• Understand the importance of global missions
• Take the first step to fulfil Christ’s Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations”
• Understand God’s concern for a world of lost sinners
• Learn from the four New Testament churches — Jerusalem, Philadelphia, Philippi and Antioch and study the characteristics of these churches to find out what makes a strong New Testament-type church
*The Christian Family (YouTube)
*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (9 lessons via YT & 3 lessons via Zoom on 27 Apr, 25 May and 22 Jun at 2pm).
The family as an institution is under tremendous pressure. Every day, we receive news reports about the challenges that marriages face, the increasingly complex problems our children go through such as drug addiction, sexual immorality, teenage gangs and unfulfilled relationships. What better way to understand how to build a family than to return to the plans of its Designer?
This course seeks to impart a Biblical understanding of the family as the institution that God has designed it to be. It shares important principles on the roles of the husband/father, wife/mother and children and their relationships with one another from the Word of God.
Asian Religions (YouTube)
*Please note that this is a hybrid class. (9 lessons via YT & 3 lessons via Zoom on 27 Apr, 25 May and 22 Jun at 2pm).
Knowledge of the religious world-view of our non-Christian friends and neighbours is essential if we want to win them to Christ. This course will equip you with an understanding of religion, its origins and its expressions through some of the major religions of the world. We will focus our studies on a comparative study of the major Asian religions – Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam – with biblical Christianity. The belief systems and the practices of these religions will be studied together with how they compare with measure up to what the Bible teaches. Two case studies will be presented to help students be aware of cultural and religious sensitivities that may cause roadblocks to the effective sharing of the Gospel.
Purpose of the Church (YouTube)
The Church seems to mean different things for different people. In this course, we offer the Biblical perspective of the Church. We will trace the original concept of the Church in Matt 16:18, then to its birth by the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts. We will then follow its establishment and expansion by the apostles and ultimately to its present position. This course also deals with the roles, functions and responsibilities of believers as members of the Church to prepare and perfect her as the glorious bride of Christ for His return.
General Epistles (YouTube)
Why are the letters of James, Peter and Jude important? James deals with practical aspects of Christian living – Christianity made real through our words that brings life to others, our works of faith and our walk marked by godliness. The letters of First and Second Peter were written to encourage believers in the Early Church to keep their hope focused on the return of Christ in a time of severe persecution. It is this same hope that will see us through tough times. Jude was written to believers in the Early Church to warn them against the false teaching that God’s grace is an excuse for immoral living and to contend against false teachers who had denied “our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ”.
Theology (YouTube)
This course seeks to introduce you to the subject of theology — the study of God and the things associated with God and His work in creation. A broad-based approach will be taken to survey the main subjects, including:
The outcome we seek in studying theology is to equip believers with the knowledge of their faith so that they are able “to give a defence to everyone who asks them a reason for the hope that is in them” (1 Peter 3:15). We do this by ensuring that we have an understanding and a working knowledge of the main tenets of the Christian faith and the assurance of our identity as children of God.
Genesis (YouTube)
This study of the first book of the Bible is intended to lay a firm foundation for the believer’s knowledge of the rest of the Old and New Testament. The purpose, theme and structure of the book is summarised in a simple outline which divides it into two main sections:
• primeval history dealing with Creation, the Fall and the Flood;
• dispersion to the nations; and
• patriarchal history dealing with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph
The course takes the student through Genesis chapter by chapter. The provisions of sacrifice as atonement for sin and God’s covenant with mankind through Abraham are discovered within the events and personalities in the book.
Ministry Practics 1 (YouTube)
This course focuses on how to lead and minister effectively as a cell leader. The three-fold role of the cell leader is presented: to proclaim the good news, to watch over and protect the sheep and to develop and train members. Topics include nurturing, shepherding, loving with compassion and ministering to the need. Motivational and leadership principles are also presented with the aim of producing cell leaders who are influential, inspiring and impactful.
Life of David (YouTube)
This course will equip students with principles of leadership from the study of the life of David. His early training as a shepherd caring for his father’s sheep, had laid a foundation of faithfulness, commitment and courage. Leaders must be tested before they can be released fully into their God-given roles. From David’s life, students will learn how a leader should respond to and overcome hatred, jealousy, fear, insecurity, pride and selfish ambition. The ultimate test of leadership is that of sin and failure. How a leader handles these will either disqualify or qualify him for greatness in God’s kingdom. Out of David’s sin of adultery and murder and his subsequent repentance and brokenness, the Lord brought him to the place where he truly had “a heart after God’s own heart”.
Lives of the Prophets (YouTube)
Our study begins with Elisha, who received the mantle of Elijah after the latter was taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot. The life of Elijah is the subject of another course in Level 8. A second major section in this course is devoted to the three “major prophets” — Isaiah, Ezekiel and Jeremiah. They all had several things in common: they prophesied God’s impending judgment on Israel and captivity in Babylon because of the backslidden ways of their kings, priests, prophets and the people. They spoke of a time when God would graciously restore the destiny of the nation. They all went through suffering and persecution because of their faithfulness to proclaim the Word of the Lord. Their prophecies were fulfilled. They accomplished the purposes of God in their time and generation.
The last part is an overview of Daniel, Jonah, Hosea, Amos and Zechariah. In each of the sketches of the prophets studied, we aim to learn from their call into the office of a prophet, the work of grace in enabling them to fulfil that call and their commitment to be faithful to the One who called them, even if it meant deprivation, punishment, imprisonment and death.
Ministry Practics 4 (YouTube)
As its name implies, this is the fourth part in the practical aspects of training leaders to minister pastorally to meet the spiritual and temporal needs of God’s people. It deals in an in-depth manner with the pastoral duties and responsibilities of a minister in the context of VFC’s ministry structure. The course describes what these responsibilities are and how they are to be carried out. The student will be instructed on how to carry out water baptism and how to conduct weddings and funerals. These are three of the most important events for our members and for their immediate and extended families. The administration of these is crucial in caring for God’s people in the right way. A second major focus deals with the “how-tos” of leading worship, preaching and leading a church service. Lastly, the student is also taught how to conduct an evangelistic meeting.
Success In Life Through Godly Wisdom (YouTube)
This course extracts timeless truths and shares nuggets of wisdom from the book of Proverbs. Godly insights into how we can live meaningful, happy and fulfilled lives are discussed. Topics covered in this course include the fear of the Lord, practising godly speech and behaviour and cultivating healthy relationships.
Victory in Spiritual Warfare (YouTube)
We have an enemy that will do all in his power to prevent us from walking in the call and destiny God has for us. The bible warns us not to be ignorant of his devices and schemes. This course gives students a biblical understanding of our position in Christ, how we can effectively utilize our spiritual weapons and fight from the place of victory in Christ.
Foundations For A Godly Marriage (In-person on 20 Apr, 18 May and 29 Jun)
a) This course is designed for young adults, singles and couples contemplating marriage.
b) It is natural follow on for those who have completed the ‘Christian Courtship’ class.
c) For those considering marriage it is a necessary pre-requisite before they undergo one-on-one Pre-Marital Counselling.
d) This course forms the teaching component of marriage preparation including the meaning of marriage, communication and conflict resolution skills, intimacy and much more.
Venue: VFC Toa Payoh, Level 3 Hall
Time: 3-5pm